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  • Writer's pictureMichael Repman

What is Soft Washing?

Soft washing and pressure washing are both methods used for cleaning exterior surfaces, but they differ significantly in their techniques, equipment, and applications. Here's an explanation of what soft washing does that pressure washing cannot, focusing on the use of a proportioner valving system with Sodium Hypochlorite (SH) and other chemicals.

Soft Washing

Technique and Equipment:

  • Low Pressure: Soft washing uses low-pressure water, typically between 100-500 PSI, compared to pressure washing, which can exceed 2,000 PSI.

  • Chemical Use: It relies heavily on chemicals, primarily SH (Sodium Hypochlorite) and surfactants, to break down dirt, algae, mold, and mildew.

Proportioner Valving System:

  • This system mixes water with SH and other cleaning agents in precise proportions. The proportioner allows for consistent and accurate blending of chemicals, ensuring effective cleaning while minimizing chemical waste and potential damage to surfaces.

Advantages Over Pressure Washing:

  1. Safe for Delicate Surfaces:

  • Soft washing is ideal for cleaning surfaces that could be damaged by high pressure, such as roofs, siding (vinyl, wood, or stucco), and painted surfaces. The low-pressure application ensures that the structural integrity and finish of these surfaces are preserved.

  1. Effective Mold and Algae Removal:

  • The use of SH in soft washing effectively kills mold, mildew, algae, and other biological contaminants at the root level. Pressure washing might remove surface-level growth but often leaves the underlying spores intact, leading to faster regrowth.

  1. Longer-Lasting Clean:

  • Because soft washing eliminates the root cause of biological growth, the cleaned surfaces stay clean for a longer period compared to pressure washing, which might require more frequent cleanings.

  1. Less Risk of Water Damage:

  • Low-pressure application reduces the risk of water intrusion and damage to roofing materials, window seals, and other vulnerable areas. High-pressure washing can force water into cracks and crevices, potentially causing damage and promoting mold growth inside walls.

  1. Environmental Benefits:

  • The precise mixing of chemicals with a proportioner valving system ensures that only the necessary amount of cleaning agents is used, reducing chemical runoff and environmental impact. Pressure washing, by contrast, can lead to significant water usage and potential chemical overuse if not managed carefully.

Pressure Washing

Technique and Equipment:

  • High Pressure: Utilizes high-pressure water to remove dirt, grime, and stains from surfaces.

  • Minimal Chemicals: Typically relies on the force of water rather than chemicals, though detergents may be used.

Advantages of Pressure Washing:

  1. Effective for Tough Stains and Hard Surfaces:

  • High pressure is excellent for removing tough stains, dirt, and grime from hard surfaces like concrete, brick, and stone.

  1. Quick Cleaning:

  • The high-pressure water stream can clean large areas quickly, making it efficient for tasks like driveway and sidewalk cleaning.


Soft Washing:

  • Best for delicate surfaces

  • Uses low pressure and chemicals

  • Kills and removes biological growth at the root

  • Provides a longer-lasting clean

  • Reduces risk of surface damage and water intrusion

Pressure Washing:

  • Best for hard surfaces

  • Uses high pressure with minimal chemicals

  • Effective for removing tough stains and grime

  • Quick for large, robust areas

In summary, soft washing offers a safer, more effective solution for cleaning delicate surfaces and removing biological contaminants, while pressure washing excels in quickly removing dirt and stains from hard, durable surfaces.

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